Tuesday, August 6, 2013

An Update

I realize it's been quite some time since I've posted anything.
Since it's been so long. . .what better way to start off then with some videos. 

From Winter- 

Tilda and Roma in their Julius K9 harnesses. The reason I took this video was because I was teaching Roma 'step' and she was catching on to the idea so fast I wanted a video of it. I might have also taken this video, so they could show off their new (at the time) harnesses.


I purposefully left Roma knocking the camera over in the video because I thought it was funny and cute :)

Now, of Tilda in the backyard doing some agility fun.


Really have been having some fun with these wraps!

It may be a bit hard to see, but I have Tilda wrapping the bush. This really was fun and with the jumps being set up so simple, she really could keep the speed up! And yes, I had the jump bars on the ground, she didn't knock them all off :) Also, it was a nice little set up to practice some rear crosses.


Sorry the videos are all links. . .for some reason when I look for my videos (from my blog) it says that no videos are found.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Fun Match Results!

Saturday Nov. 3 we did a fun match. I ran Tilda at 4" instead of her regular 8" height. She didn't knock one single bar the whole time!! The fact that she didn't knock one single bar is wonderful! She was still launching, but that is something that might just take time. Her contacts need some work. I was thinking more about my handling this time. I am trying to get better in my handling area. Though I don't think it was all great, I did try to think about it. In our first run I had a moment of 'what's next' after the chute.

Buddy ran at 16" a height lower for him too. He ran good, he had more speed! 

Gracie ran good too. She was running her regular 12" height. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

10/26 and 10/27 Trial Results- Gracie Gets a New Title

October 26 and 27 we were at an agility trial. Tilda had some really nice runs. Though we NQ'd she is running with some nice confidence. Still knocked some bars and had some fly offs. We are still taking our jumping class. I messed up too in our Jumpers run on Saturday :)

Buddy NQ'd in all his runs too. On Friday he just didn't have the drive to run. 

Gracie Qualified in Jumpers with Weaves on both Friday and Saturday. She got her MXJ title on Friday!! 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

10/12 and 10/13 Trial Results- Tilda's First Trial since June

Last Friday and Saturday (10/12 and 10/13) we had our first agility trial since June! I have been doing a jumping class with Tilda since July and we are still taking it. So, I got to see how her jumping was coming along.

Tilda: On Friday both runs were nice. We still had dropped bars in both runs, however, Tilda seemed to run the course smooth and seemed to have more confidence! Which are both really great things! Tilda's contacts were okay, I don't think we had any actual fly offs, but it was close. I can't complain too much though, because I should have been working with her earlier on those contacts. In her Jumpers run Tilda stopped short in the weave poles and she didn't seem to have quite the same drive as her first run (STD). Also, in Tilda's standard run, she was about 20 seconds under time!   

Saturday was wet, cold, and rainy :) What a day it was! Our Standard run was interesting. The problems that we had, or at least some of them, were probably my fault. It's different running in the mud :) I wanted to do a front cross in front of the chute, but didn't get out in front of Tilda. So I tried a rear and that didn't quite work. There was a place to fit in a front cross, however I skipped it because it was so muddy in that area. So I went with a rear cross using the jump before the dog walk. I don't do many rear crosses, but Tilda did take the jump, but she knocked the bar. I think she might have knocked another bar in that run too. Other things happened, but we don't need to go into them :) You can see for yourself in the video. . .

Tilda had a really nice jumpers run and only knocked 1 bar, but again had problems with her weaves. In both her STD runs the weaves were fine. 

Tilda's Runs: 

Gracie had 2 double Q days! 2 double Qs closer to a MACH and more points closer to a MACH :)

Buddy did not Qualify in his runs :(

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Roma at 11 weeks old

Plus. . .Tilda and Roma playing together!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Puppy Adventures #4 - Roma Update

Tilda and Roma have been doing great together! Here is an update:

Roma seems to be going to the door some of the time!

Roma and Tilda have really been playing a lot together!!

This morning Tilda took a piece of food from Roma's bowl, something I don't want Tilda doing all the time. But, I was happy to see Roma didn't show any aggression!

Tilda has still be taking her ball away from Roma :)

We filled a wash bucket/tub with water to see if Roma likes the water. She seems okay with it; she likes it better than Tilda.

Roma has been going on the teeter (the board is on the base, so it is tipping).

Today Roma met some different neighbors and neighbor dogs. It went pretty good. Roma maybe showed her teeth at the one dog, but I tapped her on the nose and said 'hey'. Roma did want to play; the neighbors other dog was running around, trying to play with her. Then Tilda wanted in too :) The other thing, while we were talking to the neighbors, Tilda pushed Roma down. Tilda put her front paws on Roma and just pushed her down. Tilda really is seeming much more confident.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Tilda, The Search and Rescue Dog!

One night we were going for our walk and while walking we saw a gray and white cat. He was acting kind of weird; slowly walking. Tilda was pretty wound up about seeing a kitty cat. As we walked by him, Tilda was pulling toward him. All he did was just sit there, he didn't seem to mind Tilda or Roma or us.

Part of our walking pattern includes us going back up that way, where the cat had been. We did not see him this time, but I could tell Tilda was trying to search him out. 

Not long after, the neighbor went out looking for her cat. Well, that cat we had seen was her cat (which I had kind of thought). We were going to help her look for him and I thought maybe Tilda would be helpful; since she likes to chase kitty cats and that she was looking for him when we were up that way the 2nd time. Off we went, up the road on the search for a cat. 

When we got up the road, I kept Tilda on a leash, we wouldn't want to look for a cat and dog :) Anyhow, she was wound up and I told her to 'find the kitty cat'. She searched around a little bit and then we spotted him. Tilda had led us to the general area of where the cat was. What a good girl helping find 'kitty cat' :) 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Puppy Adventures #3 - Things Are Really Starting to Take Shape

Yahoo!! Roma and Tilda are really starting to get along! They have both been playing inside the house together. They are a lot of fun to watch! Roma seems like she submits to Tilda; she'll often be on her back. And it's not just Roma that wants to play, Tilda keeps going back for more too :) The other thing is, is that Tilda seems more confident about taking her ball away from Roma.

On Thursday they were both sharing the outside water bowl after playing! No aggression over 'who drinks when.' Eating time has been going good as well. Tilda's still kind of nervous about it, but that might just take a little while for her to get over.

Night time has been okay. Roma made a lot of noise last night when I put her in after the last potty break. I let it go on for a little while, seeing if she would calm down by herself,  then I finally got up and banged and shook the crate. A lot of noise sure can come out of a little dog :) But, on the bright side it was only at that time and then in the morning when she was ready to get up. We were gone last night and had her crated. We did play with her for quite awhile when we came home, but she still maybe wasn't quite ready for bed. We'll see how tonight goes. I want to be careful with what kind of correction I use while she's in the crate. I don't want the crate to become a 'bad place' and then she really doesn't like it. Ideally she should like her little crate. She's been doing pretty good if we stick her in there during the day or during eating time (our eating time, not her eating time).

Yesterday (Friday) Roma met Buddy and Gracie. I needed to step in and do a little correction, as she was growling and this didn't seem to be out of fear, more like she wanted to try to be the boss. It took 2 corrections and then Roma fit right into the pack, not a problem after that.

Also, yesterday Roma ran over to the door. I put her leash on and then she started to scratch at the door. She went right outside and went potty! Later, after coming home from meeting Buddy and Gracie she had an accident by the door. Maybe she is starting to get the idea. Now today Roma had an accident that wasn't by any means near the door. But, it might be a start, that she is starting the understand how it works :)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Puppy Adventures #2 - Another Day with Roma

Yesterday Roma tested Tilda again and I corrected it. Other than that, it has been mostly peaceful. Tilda is still kind of nervous around her. But that is something that might just take a couple of days or weeks. Tilda just needs to learn that when Roma barks, it's not going to hurt her; when Roma tries to play with her, that it's just play and can join it; when it's eating time, nothing bad is going to happen. Tilda and Roma were actually playing outside this morning again. Which is fun to watch, but also good to see them playing together. 

Roma has been sleeping in my room, in a crate, because we are trying to have more togetherness for Tilda and Roma. She started making noise in her crate before I took her and Tilda out for the last potty break, at about 10:30. She seemed like she did have to go out, she went right out the door and pooped fairly quick. Good thing outside and not in the crate again :) After coming inside and putting her back in the crate she made more noise for a little while and then settled in. Roma then started to make noise a little after 6:00 am, which is fine because that's when she usually wakes up. Tilda stayed on my bed through all the noise at night and then went under the bed in the morning when I told her it was time to wake up. But I am glad Tilda didn't go under the bed at night because of all the noise. 

Yesterday Roma was chewing on a bone in my room. When Roma wasn't around Tilda started licking and/or chewing it. Which is another thing I'm glad she did, as it's fine and probably good for Roma and Tilda to share. 

Roma's diarrhea is better, it's more formed and just a little more on the squishy side. She continues to get pumpkin on her food; it's good for her anyways and Tilda gets some too :) 

Roma Chewing on a bone. Puppies need their bones so they can chew. 

Now, tonight Roma and Tilda played a little bit outside again. Something interesting happened, Roma seemed to submit to Tilda. She just laid on her back and Tilda sniffed her.  

Tilda is still unsure of eating time. Maybe in a couple days she'll realize it's all okay.