Trial Results

Unless noted, all trials are AKC trials.

2012 Results

1/28/2012- Excellent A Standard: NQ, Open Jumpers w/ Weaves: Q & 1st place w/ 100 points & OAJ title (Third Open JWW Q -Titled)
2/4/2012- Excellent A Standard: NQ, Excellent A Jumpers w/ Weaves: NQ
5/18/2012- Excellent A Standard: NQ, Excellent A Jumpers w/ Weaves: NQ
5/19/2012- Excellent A Standard: NQ, Excellent A Jumpers w/ Weaves: NQ
5/26/2012- Excellent A Standard: NQ, Excellent A Jumpers w/ Weaves: NQ
6/8/2012- Excellent A Standard: NQ, Excellent A Jumpers w/ Weaves: NQ
10/12/2012- Excellent A Standard: NQ, Excellent A Jumpers w/ Weaves: NQ
10/13/2012- Excellent A Standard: NQ, Excellent A Jumpers w/ Weaves: NQ

 2011 Results

1/30/2011- Open Jumps W/ Weaves: NQ
2/26/2011- Open Standard: Q & first place w/ 95 points, Open Jumps W/ Weaves: Q & first place w/ 95 points - Double Q (first Open Standard and JWW Q) 
4/9/2011- Open Standard: Q & first place w/ 100 points, Open Jumps W/ Weaves: NQ (second Open STD Q) 
5/20/2011-Open Jumps w/ Weaves: NQ, Open Standard: NQ 
7/16/2011- Open Jumps w/ Weaves: NQ, Open Standard: NQ
7/22/2011- Open Jumps w/ Weaves: NQ, Open Standard: NQ
10/1/2011- Open Jumps w/ Weaves: NQ, Open Standard: Q & first place w/ 95 points & OA title (Third STD Q - titled)
10/15/2011- Open Jumpers w/ Weaves: NQ, Excellent A Standard: NQ
10/29/2011- Excellent A Standard: Q & first place w/ 100 points, Open Jumpers w/ Weaves: NQ (first Excellent A STD Q)
12/8/2011- Open Jumpers w/ Weaves: Q & first place w/ 100 points, Excellent A Standard: NQ (Second JWW Q)
12/9/2011- Excellent A Standard: NQ, Open Jumpers w/ Weaves: NQ

2010 Results

7/17/2010 - Novice A Jumps W/ Weaves: NQ, Novice Standard: NQ
9/18/2010- Agility Fun Match*
10/2/2010- Novice A Jumps W/ Weaves: NQ, Novice A Standard: Q & First Place w/ 90 points (First standard Q)
10/16/2010- Novice A Jumps W/ Weaves: Q & First Place w/ 100 points, Novice A Standard: Q & First Place w/ 100 points- Double Q (First JWW Q, Second standard Q)
10/30/2010- Novice A Standard: NQ, Novice A Jumps W/ Weaves: Q & Second Place w/ 90 Points (Second JWW Q)
12/9/2010- Novice A Jumps W/ Weaves: NQ, Novice A Standard: NQ
12/10/2010- Novice A Standard: Q & First Place w/ 95 Points & NA title, Novice A Jumps W/ Weaves: Q & First Place w/ 100 Points & NAJ title-Double Q (Third standard Q, Third JWW Q- titled)

2012 Results

1/28/2012- Excellent A Standard: NQ, Open Jumpers w/ Weaves: Q w/ 100 points & OAJ title (third JWW Q- titled)
2/4/2012- Excellent A Jumpers w/ Weaves: Q & Third Place w/ 100 points (first Excellent A JWW Q), Excellent A Standard: NQ
3/23/2012- Excellent A Standard: NQ, Excellent A Jumpers w/ Weaves: NQ
4/20/2012- Excellent A Standard: NQ, Excellent A Jumpers w/ Weaves: NQ
5/18/2012- Excellent A Standard: Q & second place, Excellent A Jumpers w/ Weaves: NQ
5/19/2012- Excellent A Standard: Q & first place w/ 94 points, Excellent A Jumpers w/ Weaves: NQ
5/26/2012- Excellent A Standard: Q & first place & AX title, Excellent A Jumpers w/ Weaves: Q & first place
6/1/2012- Excellent A Jumpers w/ Weaves: Q & first place & AXJ title, Excellent B Jumpers w/ Weaves: NQ
6/8/2012- Excellent B Standard: NQ, Excellent B Jumpers w/ Weaves: NQ
7/6/2012- Excellent B Standard: NQ, Excellent B Jumpers w/ Weaves: NQ
7/14/2012- Excellent B Standard: NQ, Excellent B Jumpers w/ Weaves: NQ
7/20/2012- Excellent B Standard: NQ, Excellent B Jumpers w/ Weaves: NQ
7//21/2012- Excellent B Standard: NQ, Excellent B Jumpers w/ Weaves: NQ
8/3/2012- Excellent B Standard: NQ, Excellent B Jumpers w/ Weaves: Q & 4th place for 1 MACH point.
10/12/2012- Excellent B Standard: NQ, Excellent B Jumpers w/ Weaves: NQ
10/13/2012- Excellent B Standard: NQ, Excellent B Jumpers w/ Weaves: NQ

2011 Results

1/30/2011- Open Jumps w/ Weaves: Q & First Place (first open JWW Q) 
2/26/2011- Open Standard: Q & first place w/ 100 points, Open Jumps w/ Weaves: NQ (first Open Standard Q)
3/12/2011- Open Standard: Q & first place w/ 85 points, Open Jumps w/ Weaves: NQ (second Open Standard Q) 
4/9/2011- Open Standard: NQ, Open Jumps W/ Weaves: NQ
5/14/2011- Open Standard: NQ, Open Jumps w/ Weaves: NQ 
5/20/2011- Open Jumps w/ Weaves: NQ, Open Standard: NQ 
5/21/2011- Open Jumps w/ Weaves: NQ, Open Standard: NQ
7/16/2011- Open Jumps w/ Weaves: NQ, Open Standard: NQ 
10/1/2011- Open Jumps w/ Weaves: NQ, Open Standard: NQ 
10/15/2011- Open Jumpers w/ Weaves: NQ, Open Standard: NQ
10/29/2011- Open Standard: Q & first place w/ 100 points & OA title, Open Jumpers w/ Weaves: NQ (Third Open STD- Titled)
11/27/2011- Open Standard: NQ, Open Jumpers w/ Weaves: NQ
12/8/2011- Open Jumpers w/ Weaves: NQ, Excellent A Standard: NQ
12/9/2011- Excellent A Standard: NQ, Open Jumpers w/ Weaves: Q & first place w/ 100 points (second JWW Q)

2010 Results

1/30/2010- Novice B Standard: NQ, Novice B Jumps W/ Weaves: NQ
4/10/2010- Novice B Standard: Q & Second Place w/ 100 points, Novice B Jumps W/ Weaves: NQ (Second standard Q)
5/8/2010- USDAA- Gamblers: NQ, USDAA- Preferred: Q & Second Place (first Q in USDAA)*
5/22/2010- Novice B Jumps W/ Weaves: Q w/ 100 Points, Novice B Standard: Q w/ 90 points & NA Title - Double Q (First JWW Q, Third Standard Q - titled in Standard)
6/12/2010- Open Standard: NQ, Novice B Standard: NQ
6/26/2010- Novice B Jumps W/ Weaves: Q & Second Place w/ 100 Points, Open Standard: NQ ( Second JWW Q)
7/17/2010- Novice B Jumps W/ Weaves: NQ, Open Standard: NQ
7/24/2010- Open Standard: NQ, Novice B Jumps W/ Weaves: NQ
9/11/ 2010- Novice B Jumps W/ Weaves: NQ, Open Standard: NQ
9/18/2010- Agility Fun Match
10/2/2010- Novice B Jumps W/ Weaves: NQ, Open Standard: NQ 
10/16/2010- Novice B Jumps W/ Weaves: NQ, Open Standard: NQ 
10/30/2010- Open Standard: NQ, Novice B Jumps W/ Weaves: Q & Second Place - NAJ Title (Third JWW Q, Titled in JWW)
12/9/2010- Open Jumps W/ Weaves: NQ, Open Standard: NQ
12/10/2010- Open Standard: NQ, Open Jumps W/ Weaves: NQ

2009 Results

10/10/2009- Novice A Standard: Q & First Place w/ 90 points (First Q) 
12/3/2009- Novice B Standard: NQ
12/4/2009- Novice B Standard: NQ

2012 Results

1/28/2012- Excellent A Jumpers w/ Weaves: Q & first place w/ 100 points, Excellent A Standard: NQ (second Excellent A JWW Q)
2/4/2012- Excellent A Standard: NQ, Excellent A Jumpers w/ Weaves: Q & first place w/ 100 points and AXJ title (third Excellent A JWW Q- titled)
3/23/2012- Excellent B Jumpers w/ Weaves: Q (100 points) & 6th place for 9 MACH points, Excellent A Standard: NQ
4/20/2012- Excellent A Standard: Q & first place, Excellent B Jumpers w/ Weaves: NQ
5/18/2012- Excellent A Standard: NQ, Excellent B Jumpers w/ Weaves: Q for 7 MACH points
5/19/2012- Excellent A Standard: NQ, Excellent B Jumpers w/ Weaves: NQ
5/26/2012- Excellent A Standard: Q & first place, Excellent B Jumpers w/ Weaves: Q for 11 MACH points
6/1/2012- Excellent A Standard: Q & first place & AX title, Excellent B Jumpers w/ Weaves: NQ
6/8/2012- Excellent B Standard: NQ, Excellent B Jumpers w/ Weaves: NQ
7/6/2012- Excellent B Standard: Q & 1st place for 22 MACH points, Excellent B Jumpers w/ Weaves: NQ
7/14/2012- Excellent B Standard: NQ, Excellent B Jumpers w/ Weaves: NQ
7/20/2012- Excellent B Standard: NQ, Excellent B Jumpers w/ Weaves: NQ
7/21/2012- Excellent B Standard: NQ, Excellent B Jumpers w/ Weaves: Q & 5th place for 6 MACH points
8/3/2012- Excellent B Standard: NQ, Excellent B Jumpers w/ Weaves: Q & 5th place for 10 MACH points

10/12/2012- Excellent B Standard: Q, Excellent B Jumpers w/ Weaves: Q- Double Q
10/13/2012- Excellent B Standard: Q, Excellent B Jumpers w/ Weaves: Q- Double Q

2011 Results

1/30/2010- Open Jumps W/ Weaves: NQ 
2/26/2011- Novice B Standard: Q & first place w/ 90 points, Open Jumps w/ Weaves: Q & first place w/ 100 points - Double Q (second Novice Standard Q, first Open JWW Q) 
3/12/2011- Novice B Standard: Q & first place w/ 90 points & Novice Standard Title, Open Jumps W/ Weaves: NQ (third Novice Q and titled) 
4/9/2011- Open Standard: NQ, Open Jumps W/ Weaves: NQ 
5/14/2011- Open Standard: NQ, Open Jumps w/ Weaves: Q & first place w/ 100 points (Second Open JWW Q)
5/20/2011- Open Jumps w/ weaves: NQ, Open Standard: Q & first place w/ 85 points (first Open STD Q) 
5/21/2011- Open Jumps w/ Weaves: NQ, Open Standard: NQ 
7/16/2011- Open Jumps w/ Weaves: NQ, Open Standard: NQ
10/1/2011- Open Jumps w/ Weaves: NQ, Open Standard: Q & first place w/ 100 points (Second STD Q)
10/15/2011- Open Jumpers w/ Weaves: Q & first place with 100 points & Open Agility Jumpers Title, Open Standard: Q & first place w/ 90 points & Open Agility Title (third Open JWW Q and title, third Open STD Q and title)
10/29/2011- Excellent A Standard: NQ, Excellent A Jumpers w/ Weaves: NQ
12/8/2011- Excellent A Standard: NQ, Excellent A Jumpers w/ Weaves: NQ
12/9/2011- Excellent A Jumpers w/ Weaves: Q & second place w/ 100 points, Excellent A Standard: NQ (first Excellent A Q)
 2010 Results

9/18/2010- Agility Fun Match*
10/16/2010- Novice A Jumps W/ Weaves: Q & First Place, Novice A Standard: NQ (First standard Q) 
10/30/2010- Novice A Standard: Q & Second Place, Novice A Jumps W/ Weaves: Q & Second Place - Double Q (First Standard Q and Second JWW Q)
12/9/2010- Novice A Jumps W/ Weaves: NQ, Novice A Standard: NQ
12/10/2010- Novice A Standard: NQ, Novice A Jumps W/ Weaves: Q & First Place & NAJ Title (Third JWW Q - Titled) 

*Not an AKC trial