Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy Birthday Tilda!!

Happy Third Birthday Tilda!!!!

Tilda 3 years old

Tilda's Birthday Cake

Tilda 2 years old. 

Tilda 1 year old. 

Tilda as a puppy. 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Is This Tilda Proof? - Oranges

Tilda got Oranges at an agility trial back on 10/1/2011. So, actually this toy has been in good shape for a while. Although, Tilda hasn't really played with it all that much.

Here Oranges is after the trial:

Buy your own toy here: Zanies-Bungee-Geckos-Dog-Toys
Or a set here: Zanies-Bungee-Geckos-Set-Dog

The other day Tilda got into it:

Tilda got the squeaker out, but there is still one left at the other end.

He's not in awful shape, at least yet :)

Check out Oranges' relative after Tilda did some of her handiwork on him:  

In a little bit rougher shape than Oranges :)

Back to Oranges. . .

This toy is not Tilda proof. 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Equipment Run Down

This will be based on our last trial on 2/4/2012 with both courses combined.
Equipment Run Down: Let's take a look how Tilda handled the equipment; what went well and what needs work.

Jumps: As we already know, Tilda's jumping could use a little work :) After an interesting experiment done with Tilda and her jumping, we found out just how far back she takes off. I'm not going to tell, at least not now. I'm not ready to 'unveil' it quite yet; want to keep it a surprise for right now :) Anyhow, maybe not all her jumps are that way, but she does need some work on those jumps. At this last trial we had a total of three knocked bars (both courses combined), but on the positive side, think of all the bars she didn't knock!

Teeter: Tilda did well this time on the teeter. She didn't go right off the edge. Her contact wasn't too bad either.

Tunnels: She didn't go in at the first try. Now, I'm not sure if she just decided not to do it or if it was my fault. The other tunnels were not a problem.

A-frame: Tilda did fine on this. She didn't actually stop on the contact with her back feet on and her front feet off. But it wasn't a fly off.

Tire: This was fine. Not sure if she took this early or not. The thing with the tire is, is that it is a jump height lower than what the jump bars are set at. So, instead of jumping the tire at 8" it is set at 4".

Table: I actually messed up and went to this before I was supposed to. I'm not talking about that time, I'm talking about the right time :) She did great on this. She did a very nice down. Even though there is no sit or down rule any more, I still like her to do a down. On thing though, she maybe jumped a little early to get up on the table, but she made it. You know Tilda with jumping. . .

Weave poles: Tilda went by them the first time, but did them the second time. The second time through, she either did or almost seemed to stop in them. Nothing was called though. But she did them the first time in the JWW course.

Chute: She did this just fine.

Dog Walk: No fly off, but not a stop. She maybe needs a little work on her contacts and I might teach her running contacts, we'll see.

The big things, equipment wise, are probably the jumping and contacts.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Is This Tilda Proof? - The Skunk

Meet Tilda's Skunk.

I got this skunk in November at Menards on Black Friday.

It isn't stuffing filled, so Tilda can't have quite as much fun :) But it does have two squeakers and they are actually still in the toy!

It does have some rips though.

This toy is not Tilda proof. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Is This Tilda Proof? - Raccoon, The Forest Cozy

Here is toy #3 of the Forest Cozy toy bunch- The Raccoon.

As the other two, Mr. Paddle (Beaver) and Bear are not Tilda proof, you might happen to have a guess on this one :)

Lets take a look at the bunch. Notice the raccoon:

They are cute toys.

Now notice the raccoon:

The rip down the back, both squeakers are out, and so is some of the stuffing.

They all looked so nice in the first picture above. Now I only have one that looks that nice. But, that's because I have it in my closet; away from Tilda :)

Even though Tilda rips these guys up, I do like them. They're nice toys.

This toy is not Tilda proof. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

2/4/2012 AKC Excellent A Jumpers With Weaves Run

NQ- 2 faults
Very good time: 37.68 out of 51 seconds
A good run, just two knocked jump bars

Monday, February 6, 2012

2/4/2012 Excellent A Standard Run

NQ- 2 refusals, 1 wrong course, 1 fault
Time: 69.12 out of 72 seconds
Even though we NQ'd it still wasn't too bad of a run
Video starts just a little bit late

Sunday, February 5, 2012

2/4/12 Trial Results - Two Qs And A Title!

We were at another agility trial this Saturday! Two Saturday's in a row.

Tilda: In Excellent A Standard we didn't qualify. First of all, I'll just say our run wasn't all that bad. Part of the problem was me :) We had 2 refusals, 1 wrong course, and 1 fault. Here is what happened, in order: 1) The fault was a knocked bar/bars on the triple bar jump. 2) The one refusal was on the tunnel. I did a front cross before the teeter than did another one in front of the teeter. I didn't want to do the one in front of the teeter. Now, I'm not sure if that's why she didn't go in the tunnel or if she just decided not to do it. 3) This was completely my fault! I went to the wrong obstacle, therefore giving us the wrong course. 4) The second refusal was that she ran by the weaves the first time. See, it wasn't all that bad, only 4 problems. Time: 69.12 out of 72 seconds.

In Excellent A Jumpers With Weaves we had an almost 100% run, just two knocked bars. Otherwise, we would have Q'd. We made time by a lot: 37.68 out of 51 seconds.

Gracie: In Excellent A Standard she had a very nice run, but for some reason she didn't like the chute.

In Excellent A Jumpers With Weaves Gracie had a beautiful run! She Qualified, got First Place, and got her Excellent Agility Jumper Title!!!

Buddy: In Excellent A Jumpers With Weaves he Qualified and took Third Place!! What a run; it was Buddy's first Q in Excellent!

From what I hear, Buddy's Excellent A Standard run was really close to a Q. The last two obstacles were a dog walk and jump. He did a fly off on the dog walk. I didn't see his run because I was volunteering as a jump bar setter in Open Jumpers.

What a day!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

1/28/12 AKC Open Jumpers With Weaves Run

Q with 100 points, first place, and OAJ title!!!
Time: 40.35 out of 45 seconds

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

1/28/12 AKC Excellent A Standard Run

NQ- 1 Refusal and 3 Faults
70.07 out of 75 seconds
Even though a NQ, it still isn't a bad run