I took Tilda for a walk today. She is walking pretty good. I want her to walk at my side, if she walks behind me I'm fine with that. She has been walking pretty good lately, which is nice. It is so nice to walk with her when she walks at my side or behind me.
To clip Tilda's nails I usually put her in a chair on her back and she will just lay there. But a few days ago when I clipped her nails she only let me clip three of her nails and then she wouldn't let me clip any more of her nails while she laid in the chair. I needed my sister to help. Tilda wouldn't even let me clip her nails while my sister was holding her on the chair. We ended up getting them clipped by my sister standing and holding her, but she wouldn't take a treat for me.
Then today, I put her in the chair on her back and she wouldn't lay there. Then I tried holding her on the chair and that was okay, but she wouldn't take a treat from me. I will have to work with her so she will get used to getting her nails clipped once again.
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