Monday, April 5, 2010

The Teeter

I brought out the agility teeter totter to practice with Tilda. She seems to be doing pretty good on it. Along with just going on the teeter I'm having her "touch." Touch is my command for having her touch the yellow part on the teeter. The way I am having her do this is by having her stop with two paws (back paws) on the teeter and two paws (front paws) on the ground. That way there is no chances for a fly off to happen. A fly off is were the dog jumps off the teeter or any other obstacle with a contact (yellow part), without touching the yellow part. It is part of the rules in an AKC (American Kennel Club) agility trial that your dog touches the contact. You don't have to have your dog stop, just as long as they touch the yellow. The rule is also for safety.

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