Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Agility Class Results #15

Tilda did very good last night at class. Her first time was 54 seconds and her second time was 53 seconds. The dog walk and tunnel were right next to each other. The tunnel wasn't the same length as the dog walk. The tunnel was lined up to the dog walk at one side but was short at the other. So, Tilda came out of the tunnel and hopped on the dog walk and finished the dog walk. So to get rid of the problem I ran fast to the other end of the tunnel trying to beat Tilda and said table, which was the next obstacle. Tilda wasn't sure about a walled jump at first, but she got used to that. Also at the start of the course she didn't stay in a sit, but there were a lot of dogs around. I think she seemed to get used to it. She didn't really have that many problems though.

The one instructor had us run our dogs though part of the course without a collar on our dog's. I was going to put it back on after that part, but I decided to keep it off for the practice.  

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like it was a neat class...
    Hope you are having a good week!
