Thursday, September 30, 2010

Agility Run Throughs And More

On Tuesday we went to do agility run throughs with Buddy and Gracie. We went to the same place were Tilda had her first trial in July. All the dogs did good. They had a jumps with weaves course set up and a standard course. The whole place is fenced in, but the rings weren't. Even with other dogs and the rings not being fenced Tilda did very good. She didn't knock any bars, YES!! They had some different kinds of jumps set up (maybe triple or double or both), which was really good practice for Tilda because she wasn't sure about them. The teeter was not Tilda's favorite obstacle, so we had some practice with that. I never mentioned it, but when we did the agility fun match on 9/18/10 they had a full size dog walk and she did fine with it. But she got more practice with it at the run throughs without a problem. They had twelve pole weaves for both courses, but most of the time I keep my weave poles at twelve pole. Over all she did good. Buddy did not get the zoom zooms, way to go Buddy! Buddy also had more drive through the weave poles. He has been very slow through them lately. Gracie did very good too. She is ready for a trial. Her first trial will be October 16.

I have been practicing with Tilda in the back yard too. We have our next trial this Saturday, October 2!

Also, Tilda went potty two times in the house yesterday! I don't know why. The only thing I can think of is that we had quite a few people in the house. She went potty in the house an hour or two after they all left. I don't know if it had something to do with all the different smells or what. Oh well, what can I do about it now, it already happened. But, one of the places Tilda went potty was on a bean bag, if you can help it, don't let that happen! :) :) That's not a good spot! :)

Friday, September 24, 2010

New Food

We switched Tilda to a different kind of dog food a month or so ago.We switched her to Fromm Family Foods, Four-Star Nutritionals. Tilda loves it. We got her the duck and sweet potato formula. She eats it so much faster and gets so much more excited about eating. It's smaller pieces than the food she was on; California Natural. Ever since we put her on Fromm she has finished all her food. Whereas with the other she wouldn't always finish it.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Agility Fun Match

Yesterday we had our agility fun match. We got two runs and we had the choice to be judged or or to do it just for fun. In our first run I decided to be judged, it was very laid back though. Anyways, we started by being judged, but Tilda was sniffing around and not focusing real much. So I said that we would finish the run just for fun and I pulled out a treat or two. She ran pretty good then.

In our second run we were judged again. At the beginning Tilda was not paying a whole lot of attention. But after we were running for a little bit she started to get in the groove. But I don't really know how she did. The person who was timing and/or keeping track of point didn't know that we wanted to be judged. So I don't know how she did. But she got a prize anyways. Her prize was a new toy.

Gracie also did very good. She is ready for a real trial.

Buddy did good too, but got the zoom zooms. Both Buddy and Gracie won a toy too.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Tilda was very good this morning. I let her outside in the morning by herself without a leash. Well, she went around the corner of the house and I couldn't see her, she barked too. I went outside to see what Tilda was doing and make sure she didn't leave the yard. Well, the neighbor was walking their dog (Golden Retriever). The same dog Tilda ran out at a little while ago, you can read about it here. Anyways, all I said was "Tilda" somewhat firm and she turned around and came towards me. I was very happy. :)

Also, this was kind of funny. When I feed Tilda I have her sit, I touch her food, I put it down, then most of the time I rinse off my hand from touching her food, I have her look at me, then I tell her "free" and she can go eat. Well today, I had her look at me then I told her "free" before I rinsed off my hand. I told her "free" and then I rinsed off my hand. As I'm rinsing I don't hear her eating. I turn around, there she is standing looking at me. :) She sure knows the way things work. :) I just told her "free" again and then she started eating. :) She must be used to what I usually do.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tilda All snuggled Up

Here are some pictures of Tilda all snuggled in a blanket. I did this a little while ago so I'm not sure if I already posted these or not. If I did, sorry.

Sometimes dogs look so comfy and cozy when they sleep. :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Tilda's Pride And Joy

This is Tilda's pride and joy. :)

Yep, she loves that old thing.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Buddy's Agility Trial Results

Yesterday Buddy was at an agility trial. He did not qualify though. In novice jumps with weaves Buddy had two jumps left, but decided to go to the left instead of going straight. He also started to get the zoom zooms.

Open standard was not a good run. It had been raining pretty hard before they ran. The chute was the first obstacle and was soaking wet. Buddy got stuck to the chute and got all tangled up. They got an N.Q., but were able to finish running the course. The rest of the course went fine.

Maybe next time will be a better run.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Grooming Before and After Pics

Tilda before getting groomed.

Tilda after getting groomed.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Zukes Dog Treats

For a while now I have been using Zukes Mini Naturals, for Tilda's special agility treats. They have worked out very good and Tilda really likes them. They are small pieces, so the name, Mini Naturals, holds true. The flavor we got is salmon.

From the package:
No wheat, corn, soy, artificial colors, flavors, added fat or by-products

Aren't healthy treats great? :) 

For more info, here is the website: Zukes Mini Naturals

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Just For Fun

These pictures are just for fun. :)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Agility Class Results #18

Last night was our last agility class in the session. We are not going to take another session. It's time for a little break from classes. We really started classes just to get Tilda around other dogs and be in a different place. However Gracie is going to continue taking classes.

Anyways about the class. We ran parts of the course and then ran the course twice and then did another little thing. Tilda's first time was 1:08 and her second time was 1:13, she did good.

The other little thing we did was that we got 30 seconds and we could do whatever obstacles we want. The obstacles had a number of points, like the weave poles had 5 points. The dog with the most points then won. Tilda got 20 points. I maybe should have planned it out better so we would have got more points.