Thursday, September 30, 2010

Agility Run Throughs And More

On Tuesday we went to do agility run throughs with Buddy and Gracie. We went to the same place were Tilda had her first trial in July. All the dogs did good. They had a jumps with weaves course set up and a standard course. The whole place is fenced in, but the rings weren't. Even with other dogs and the rings not being fenced Tilda did very good. She didn't knock any bars, YES!! They had some different kinds of jumps set up (maybe triple or double or both), which was really good practice for Tilda because she wasn't sure about them. The teeter was not Tilda's favorite obstacle, so we had some practice with that. I never mentioned it, but when we did the agility fun match on 9/18/10 they had a full size dog walk and she did fine with it. But she got more practice with it at the run throughs without a problem. They had twelve pole weaves for both courses, but most of the time I keep my weave poles at twelve pole. Over all she did good. Buddy did not get the zoom zooms, way to go Buddy! Buddy also had more drive through the weave poles. He has been very slow through them lately. Gracie did very good too. She is ready for a trial. Her first trial will be October 16.

I have been practicing with Tilda in the back yard too. We have our next trial this Saturday, October 2!

Also, Tilda went potty two times in the house yesterday! I don't know why. The only thing I can think of is that we had quite a few people in the house. She went potty in the house an hour or two after they all left. I don't know if it had something to do with all the different smells or what. Oh well, what can I do about it now, it already happened. But, one of the places Tilda went potty was on a bean bag, if you can help it, don't let that happen! :) :) That's not a good spot! :)

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