Saturday, February 5, 2011

Drop It

A couple days ago or so, my sister was packing up some homemade muffins.One fell on the ground and Tilda got to it. It was fine she got it, but the wrapper was still on it. She was told to "drop it," and she did drop it. Wow, that is impressive that she dropped it when it was already in her mouth. We let her have it after she dropped it and the wrapper was removed. So, "drop it" is a good command to teach your dog. Since she dropped the muffin, if she ever put something in her mouth she shouldn't have, hopefully she would drop that too. I also do use the "drop it" command when playing with her. So the command does get used.

Teaching the "drop it" command really shouldn't be that hard. If you are playing tug-of-war with your dog, you can practice then. When you want your dog to drop the toy, stop pulling on the toy and just hold it. And of course say the "drop it" command. When your dog drops the toy, it would be a good idea to treat and praise what your dog just did.  If your dog isn't dropping the toy, it might help if you pull out a treat.

Another way to teach "drop it," I think I read this somewhere, when you are playing, put a treat in front of your dog's nose. I would think you would probably want to say the "drop it" command, treat, and praise.

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