Saturday, May 14, 2011

Buddy and Gracie Agility Trial Results

Buddy and Gracie were at an agility trial today.
I wasn't there but this is what I heard:

Buddy: In Open Standard he didn't qualify. On the dog walk he slipped and lost his balance, he kind of fell and jumped off. But he was fine and just did a couple jumps as they headed off the course. In Open Jumps with Weaves Buddy also NQ'd. He wouldn't do the weave poles. They just went ahead and did the rest of the course having fun.

Gracie: In Open Standard she had some problems and NQ'd. In Open Jumps with Weaves Gracie Q'd with 100 points and got first place! That gives Gracie two Qs in Open JWW.

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say hello from Reno, NV. We are the owners of Tilda's Father Finn. You can see him in my photo with Judy. We are glad to see Tilda. The Shelties you work with are so similar to two Shelties we had. Gracie is a spittin' image of Mickey. Buddy is very similar to Jesse. We always talked about doing agility but did not try. Finn would be good if he would pay attention long enough! He loves to run and jump.
    I have not tried this posting on Blogs before. If you can contact me directly I can send you some photos if you are interested.
