Early this month I took a private agility lesson to help with Tilda's jumping problem. The lesson was good and I am continuing to work with Tilda. I was given five different exercises to work on with Tilda and to practice with her for about five minutes a day (not doing all five exercises though.) Because I have to practice everyday, I need to use different kinds of treats to keep it fun, fresh, and interesting for Tilda. One thing that I found, is to cut up carrots, put them in a bag, and add a little bit of peanut butter. Of course plain carrots would work, but the point of the peanut butter is to make the treats more special, something more tasty. Now sure, your hands do get messy when training, but it's just peanut butter and carrots. And plus, it's a veggie for your dog :)
Hey...peanut butter on carrots...sounds interesting!