Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Clipping Those Nails and The Treat Bag

Yesterday I clipped Tilda's nails. It went really good. I think I had only pretended to clip her nails on Thursday and Saturday. I even clipped one nail too short and it didn't seem to bother her.

Today when I was outside with Tilda I had a treat bag attached to my coat. Well, when we came inside I must have forgotten to take it off of my coat. My coat was in the closet and the door was open. You can guess what happened. If you guessed Tilda found the treat bag you are right. She almost ate all the treats, I'm not sure how many treats were in there. I didn't think there were a whole lot of treats in the bag, but maybe I was wrong. Oh well, what am I going to do about it now.

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