Well, today we did some agility practice with the weave poles and table. The weave poles are an obstacle that the dog has to weave through. We had taught Tilda the weave poles and she was doing good with them, but we had had a break from them. After the first run through the weave poles today Tilda was doing great at them again. After a little while I was just standing with Tilda at the one end and telling her to weave, and she did it! So, that means she was working out in front of me, instead of me running along side of her (we did practice that too)! Sometimes I did have to have her come back to redo them for a reason like she missed a pole or she entered on the wrong side (dogs always enter the weave poles on the right side), or for some reason like that. We only have six pole weave poles, but that is all you are going to have in a novice agility course.
We also sometimes worked on the table, a square like obstacle that, for Tilda, stands at about 12 inches high. When I say "for Tilda", I mean that the table height changes for the height of the dog, like the jump height changes depending on the height of the dog. So once the dog is on the table they have to do a sit or down stay for five seconds (at competitions the judge tells you weather it is a sit or down stay).
You can't do any AKC agility competitions until your dog is 15 months old, which is about five months away for Tilda. But we are going to a place that offers classes and has run throughs. We are going to do a run throught with Buddy and Gracie. Run throughs are just a time where you can practice and work on anything you want to all by yourself with your dog, or with your doggy friends.
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