Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Boot Camp

Tilda is still in boot camp. With being out of town she had some days off. But yesterday we started back up.

Tilda is warming up to the vacuum. Most of the time she follows me around while I’m vacuuming. Of course she gets treats while I vacuum. That’s how she learned to like the vac, all because of treats. We started by putting peanut butter on the vacuum. :)

Yesterday and today we worked on the tongs. Yes, she’s scared of those too. Those really scare her. But I have to give her some time, yesterday was the first day we started working with her on those. The tongs also include getting peanut butter. And yes, I do wash them after she is done. :)

That’s it for right now. I took a break working with Tilda on the drawer under the stove.

1 comment:

  1. You are working with Tilda on so many things. Does she like the peanut butter?
