Friday, June 4, 2010

One Year

Today we have had Tilda for one year! We saw Tilda on a Tuesday and brought her home on a Thursday. Having Tilda as a puppy was fun, but I do have to say it is nice she is potty trained and we don’t have to watch her all the time. :) Tilda has been a fun dog to train and there is still more training I can do with her. I guess the training kind of never ends. With all the things you can teach your dog you can train for a long time.

Some of the things Tilda has learned:




Roll over


Shake (both paws)

High five

There is more to the list, this is just some of the things she has learned.

Oh, and fetch. We had to teach her how to play fetch. And now she loves it. Fetch actually did take a little while for her to learn. It wasn’t one of those things she got the hang of in a few days. I was wondering if she would ever get the hang of it. But we wanted a dog that would play fetch so we kept up with it. I guess never give up on the training. Some things might be harder for some dogs. Such as fetching a ball might be easier for a retriever than some other breed.

Another thing I wasn’t sure if Tilda would get the hang of was ringing a bell to go outside and go potty. We didn’t start training her to use the bell until she was older, but sometime she learned how to use the thing. She also learned that maybe if she stepped outside and then came back in she can have a treat; no treat for that. :)

There is also all the agility training I have done with Tilda. Training pays off. So keep on training.

Happy dog training! :)


  1. Good job on persevering! I love that she can do the bell thing..can we teach Chip that?
