Tilda has a lot of spring and should easily clear a tire. But, she kept hitting the tire. The tire was the first obstacle, so she was in a sit stay behind the tire. The next obstacles were two jumps. It was tire, jump, jump, all in a row. So, I would put her in a stay and walk to the other side of the first or second jump. When I would say tire she would jump right away; no running start. And then of course she hit the tire and got a little nervous, making her miss the second jump. So, what can help Tilda not hit the tire? Read on.
I am working on ground work with Tilda to help her. I set up a bunch of wood slats somewhat close together and making Tilda jump over them. That way it is more like jump, jump, jump ect., she doesn't have as much room to fly over them. She has jumped over two of them at once though :) When Tilda jumps she kind of flies.
Tilda was quieter last night. I did use the bitter apple, but she seemed quieter to start with. Maybe because that one dog wasn't there. She did still make some noise, but it was better.
There weren't really a lot of problems at class. The start was the biggest problem.
Here is a picture of Tilda going over the slats.
it is so great how you work with her all the time...class was just last night and you already have the bench pulled apart (with the help of your sidekicks)and working on Tilda's groundwork. Way to go Allison!