Friday, May 14, 2010

Out to New Places

We are trying to get Tilda out to more places. So yesterday we went to a park for a short walk. She did okay. It could have been better. She also made her excited noises. I know she is just excited, but she has to learn to control her excitement.

So today we went for a walk. I took treats and bitter apple along. I didn't have to use a lot of bitter apple and didn't treat her to much. The results are already getting better. Today Tilda walked better than yesterday. We have to take her for more walks in different places or just get her in different places. It doesn't really have to be a walk. Walks around home aren't helping. I think because it is the same place and she is used to it.



  1. So can I sign Chip up???? He needs to control his excitement, too. ;-)

  2. Hey Allison..I'm watching a dog show right now...learning a lot...not sure if its the same kind of show you do for agility, though..there must be different kinds of dog shows?
