Thursday, July 8, 2010

Crazy Day

Yesterday was kind of an interesting day. To start with while I was taking Tilda for her walk it started raining. So we were walking in the rain for a little bit. Then when it started raining harder I thought we better start running. I will say it was fun walking and running in the rain. When we got back home I waited for the rain to settle down a little and we finished our walk running in a little rain. I know I didn't have to walk any more, but it was fun running in the rain.

When we came inside Tilda had monster energy. The rain maybe gave her all the energy. :) We call it "zoom zooms" when she runs all over the house.

Then a little while later Tilda was taken outside to play fetch. Keep in mind it just rained and the grass was just mowed. While she was outside she also laid down in the wet freshly cut grass. I don't suggest taking your dog out in freshly cut and wet grass. :) You can guess when she came inside she was all wet and grassy. Then to make things worse she jumped on my bed and got grass and grass stains on my bad.

Later Tilda was under my bed and my brother said he had picked out two bugs from her face and wasn't sure if they were ticks. I did a little check over and didn't see anything. I thought maybe my brother had killed the bugs as he pulled them off.

But, later Tilda was on my bed and a little bug was found on that hopped. I hope you are catching on to this. I couldn't kill the little bug and ended up flushing him down the toilet. Maybe my brother didn't kill those bugs after all. Another one was found and ended up getting washed down the sink before we could look at it. And still another one was found, I took this one outside and this one did get killed so we got a good look at it. It was looking like the pictures of fleas I had just looked up online. After I found one more it was decided I should give Tilda a bath before bed. So she got a bath and then was blow dried.

I'm thinking she got the fleas from laying in the grass outside earlier. Which would mean she just got them. Maybe having the grass mowed stirred them up. She now has Frontline flea and tick on. It was just interesting, because we have never seen any fleas on her.

What a night! I have never given Tilda a bath before bed.

1 comment:

  1. what an adventure! Those fleas are no fun! thanks for working with Chip today!
