Saturday, July 17, 2010

Tilda's First Trial

In novice jumps with weaves Tilda didn't qualify but ran good. There were a few little things that happened, but it was a fun course to run. I think she hit the first jump bar too. Her time was 33.41 seconds and the time she had to make was 43 seconds. We just had some things happen that gave us the N.Q. Buddy also got an N.Q. however I don't know his time. He did do pretty good though.

In novice standard agility Tilda again got an N.Q. There were some things that happened in this run too, including that she ran out of the ring! So we never did finish the course so there is no time. After coming out of the tunnel she had monster energy; the zoom zooms. That is when she ran out of the ring.

In open standard agility Buddy too got an N.Q. While climbing the a-frame Buddy also got the zoom zooms.
We both had downs on the table.

So both Buddy and Tilda didn't Q today. There is always next time. Either way it was good practice for Tilda. It was a fun time even though no Qs

1 comment:

  1. was thinking of you guys today...sorry they didn't Q...but it sounds like it was a fun day even so!
